
#jamuary jam number 17. Just playing around with some sound design. A simple patch based on the example in the FMGrain documentation

SynthDef(\fmg, {arg gate = 1, amp = 1, f = 440, p = 0;
			FMGrain.ar(Dust.ar(50), 0.2, f, f*1.5,
				LFNoise1.kr(1).range(1, 8),
					Env([0, 1, 0], [1, 1], \sin, 1),
					levelScale: amp,
					doneAction: 2)
			), p

playing a four-note chord (I was too lazy to translate this into patterns)

s.sendMsg(\s_new, \fmg, s.nextNodeID, 0, 1, \amp, 0.05, \f, 440, \p, 0.5);
s.sendMsg(\s_new, \fmg, s.nextNodeID, 0, 1, \amp, 0.05, \f, 587.33);
s.sendMsg(\s_new, \fmg, s.nextNodeID, 0, 1, \amp, 0.05, \f, 659.26, \p, -0.5);
s.sendMsg(\s_new, \fmg, s.nextNodeID, 0, 1, \amp, 0.05, \f, 220);

and pitched down a little, reverbed then chewed up with Chow Tape.